Corine Aartman Docent Beroepsopleiding Fondsenwerving A
Corine is an all-round strategist in fundraising andcommunications. A trainer-coach-leader with a talent to reach out and inspire people. Multi-lingual, engaged and goal-driven.
After her Bachelor's in International Management she started her professional career in marketing and sales but she soon decided she wanted to work in the social profit sector.
For over twenty years, Corine has developed and led marketing and communications teams with a range of social change organisations (CSOs). From successful major innovations with leading INGOs to fundraising from scratch and donor-driven change management work. From institutional fundraising to mission and vision development for an international network. She doubled private sector income at a top INGO and creating various out-of-the box successes, found herself inspired when working as a trainer and coach with teams in transformation. Since 2004 she works independently with BLOOM.
Consultancy on her mission:
unfolding human potential for social profit. With Bloom ConsultancyCorine provides strategy, training, coaching and interim management. Her training experience is extensive and ranges from in-house workshops to tailored multiple-day training and mentoring in the field of fundraising, communications, leadership and innovation, both in the Netherlands, in Asia and Latin America, in English, Spanish and Dutch.
During this work, Corine built up broad international experience with organisations in the global South and North and networking contacts around the world. Past and current additional roles include: cofounder and board member of the Dutch Fundraising Association, former international Advisory Board member and country representative for the Resource Alliance, chairperson of Todos foundation. Her special interests are equal opportunities and rights and sustainable development. Corine enjoys working as a speaker, facilitator and trainer at workshops and international conferences.